Research Overview
My research is in the general area of theoretical computer science, particularly the areas of approximation algorithms, online algorithms, and computational economics. I work on developing models, algorithms, and markets for resource allocation, decision making, and provisioning problems. These problems arise in a variety of applications -- designing a data network, facility location and clustering, data center scheduling, allocating ad slots, scheduling ride-shares, and civic budgeting. In these contexts, my work has addressed several research challenges.
Intractability: Exactly optimal solutions are often inefficient to compute due to the discrete, combinatorial nature of the problems, and we seek efficient algorithms that compute provably approximate optimal solutions.
Uncertainty: When future demand is uncertain, we seek algorithms that either work with specified models of uncertainty, or are robust to any possible future.
Pricing and Incentives: In settings where participants may lie about the utility of resources to them, we seek to design appropriate pricing schemes and incentives.
Fairness: In settings where resources are shared and the allocation has to be fair to the participants, we seek models for fairness and devise efficient algorithms for these models.
Some Recent Publications
A complete list of my papers is available on DBLP and on Google Scholar. See here for more papers and projects.
Recent Courses
Please see here for a complete list of courses.
Fall '24, Fall '21: CPS 330: Algorithm Design
Spring '24: CPS535: Algorithmic Game Theory
Fall '23: CPS 531: Algorithm Design
Spring '23, '21: CPS 230: Discrete Mathematics
Fall '20: CPS 532: Graduate Algorithms
Spring '20: CPS 630: Randomized Algorithms
Spring '19: CPS590: Algorithms for Decision making at Scale
Contact Information
D205, Levine Science Research Center,
308 Research Drive, Durham NC 27708-0129.
Phone: (919) 660-6598
Email address: <first_name>